TMP Write Ups
TMP Reporting & Analysis
Legislature Supports Bill requiring CMP’s Clean Energy Connect project get town approvals first
UPDATE: After reconsidering LD 1363 on May 22nd, the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology (the committee) provided three different options for the legislature’s consideration.…
Committee Hearings Now Required for Citizen-Initiated Legislation Before Being Allowed On Ballot
UPDATE: After Passage in the Senate on May 15, Governor Mills signed LD 1209, a bill requiring all citizen-initiated legislation (referendums) face committee hearings prior to being allowed on a ballot, into law on May 23.…
Additional 25 Bills Become Law With Mills’ Signature
Governor Janet Mills has signed the following into law:
10 More Bills Become Law With Mills’ Signature
Governor Janet Mills has signed the following into law:
78 More Bills Become Law With Mills’s Signature
Governor Janet Mills has signed the following into law:
Gov. Mills Signs 37 More Bills into Law
Governor Janet Mills has signed the following into law:
A Heavily Amended Bill allowing Crossbows during archery season becomes law
UPDATE: Designed to replace Maine’s Archery Only Deer Season with a combined Archery & Crossbow Deer Season, LD 27 easily passed the legislature, but not without adding a 3 year sunset rule & name change reflecting the inclusion of turkey season.…
Governor Mills Signs 54 Bills Into Law
Governor Janet Mills has signed the following bills into law:
- LD 36 “An Act To Change the Composition of the Board of Pesticides Control”
- LD 121 “An Act To Require the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Implement a Firearm Safety and Firearm Violence Prevention Program”
- LD 239 “Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services To Explore the Development of a Behavioral Health Unit at the Cumberland County Jail”
- LD 264 “An Act Regarding the Taking of a Blood Sample from an Operator of a Motor Vehicle Involved in a Fatal Accident”
Move To Elect President With National Popular Vote Fails in Maine House
UPDATE #2 Move to Elect President With National Popular Vote Fails in Maine House
Even though a majority of the Veterans and Legal Affairs committee voted against LD 816, it’s future was still unclear with both Committee Chairs, Sen. Louis Luchini (D-Hancock) & Rep. John Schneck (D-Bangor) supporting the minority opinion and the Senate voting to approve on May 14th. But, after 14 days on the House Floor, , Rep. Schnieck (D-Bangor) called for a vote and the measure failed 76-66. A total of 9 votes were not cast, 6 abstained, 2 were excused and 1 is vacant…
Bill requiring CMP get town approvals for NECEC divides Committee
Despite a third work session held May 22nd, the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology was still unable to agree on an emergency bill requiring CMP’s New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) receive voter approval from each municipality it intends to cross.…
Persons Reporting a Drug-related Medical Emergency are Now Exempt from Criminal Liability
Governor Janet Mills today signed into law LD 329, An Act To Exempt from Criminal Liability Persons Reporting a Drug-related Medical Emergency, sponsored by Representative Barbara Cardone of Bangor and passed unanimously by the Legislature.
Maine now joins forty other states and the District of Columbia in enacting some form of a Good Samaritan or 911 drug immunity law.
Bill Aims to Restore Maine’s Original State Flag
UPDATE 2: After receiving significant negative feedback to changing the current state flag, the Committee on State & Local Government voted 8 to 4 in favor of supporting a heavily amended LD 687. The amendment does away with re-instating Maine’s original state flag and instead tasks the Secretary of State’s office to develop a commemorative bicentennial flag for 2020.
Bill Looks To Require Public Hearing For All Referendums
The Committee on State and Local Government recently heard testimony on LD 1209, which requires public hearings for any citizen-initiated legislation (referendums) going to ballot. Current rules allow for legislative public hearings, but only if the legislature chooses to hold such hearings.…
Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology have yet to schedule hearing for bill proposing significant changes to Maine’s Renewable Portfolio Standard
Maine’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) established, among other things, a 10 year timetable for having 10% of Maine’s electricity coming from new renewable sources by 2017. LD 1494, An Act to Reform Maine’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, looks to establish a new timetable for reaching 50% by 2030 as well changing several other RPS guidelines.…
Committee To Hear Testimony On Several Rank-Choice Voting Bills
The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs has scheduled public hearings this Wednesday for 6 different Rank-Choice Voting (RCV) bills…
Committee Divided on National Popular Vote Bill
UPDATE: At least 100 people submitted testimony in early March to the Committee On Veterans And Legal Affair’s hearing for LD 816. Sen. Peter Jackson (D-Aroostook), whom sponsored the bill (co-sponsors), argued that because so many people feel left out of the political process, it’s important that every American’s vote should count equally.…
Committee hears testimony on ending 100-megawatt cap on hydroelectric generators under the Renewable Resource Laws
Rep. Jeff Hanley (R- Pittston) sponsored LD 1027 (co-sponsors) and testified before The Energy Utilities and Technology Committee that the rules were set up to promote growth of renewables and that growth has been achieved. Therefore, and because it’s a renewable energy, we should now allow large-scale hydro-electric facilities to qualify for the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.…
Bills Look To End Bow Hunting Season & Allow Handguns During Muzzle-Loading Season
Two of the bills assigned to the Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, LD 27, An Act To Allow the Use of Crossbows during the Archery Season on Deer and LD 996 An Act To Establish a Special Handgun Hunting Season That Coincides with the Muzzle-loading Open Season could result in significant changes in how Maine’s deer population is managed.…
Committee Considers Ending Daylight Saving Time
The Committee on State & Local Government held a public hearing Monday (3/11) for LD 144 – An Act To Opt Out of Federal Daylight Saving Time and To Ask the United States Secretary of Transportation To Place Maine in the Atlantic Time Zone.
Bill Aims to Restore Maine’s Original State Flag
UPDATE: Despite initial support for LD 687, the Committee on State & Local Government voted 7-3 during the schedule work session yesterday opposing the flag change and a divided report is expected for the legislature.