Golden Backs Bill to Help Stop Outsourcing of Maine Jobs

Golden cosponsors No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Jobs Act, new legislation that protects American jobs by taxing domestic & int’l profits at the same rate
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Golden Leads Bipartisan Group to Send a Message to Leadership: Stop Playing Politics with Rx Drugs and the American People

Motivated by Congress’ inability to address unsustainable prescription drug costs, Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02) led a bipartisan group of members of Congress today to call out House leadership for their partisanship and unwillingness to take more aggressive action to lower drug prices.…

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Governor Mills Honors Franco-Americans on Franco-American Day

“One in every four Mainers is Franco-American and Québécois accents, cuisine, and culture can be found in every town from Biddeford to Fort Kent. Our history, families, businesses and values have been deeply connected for centuries, so it is only fitting that we pause today to honor the vast contributions of Franco-Americans to our state and our nation,”
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Governor Mills Signs Bill to Prohibit Native American Mascots in Maine

Flanked by Maine tribal leaders and ambassadors, lawmakers, and education officials, Governor Janet Mills signed into law a bill passed unanimously by the Legislature to prohibit Native American mascots in all Maine public schools Thursday.
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Governor Mills Nominates Additional Candidates for University of Maine System Boards of Trustees

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has nominated two additional candidates to the University of Maine System Board of Trustees. Governor Mills previously nominated four candidates to the Board on March 28, 2019.
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Golden Tapped to Join Rural Broadband Task Force

Task force will lead push to bring affordable, reliable broadband to rural communities by 2025
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Golden Urges Congress To Bring Local TV Access to Satellite Customers in the County

Outdated TV signal law leaves many in Presque Isle without access to local news, weather, and emergency information
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Governor Mills Releases Biennial Budget Change Package

Focuses on improving child welfare system, repairing school infrastructure, paying down debt & saving for rainy day
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Governor Mills Signs Bill to Establish Permanent Wabanaki Law Enforcement Seat on Maine Criminal Justice Academy Board of Trustees

“The Maine Criminal Justice Academy Board of Trustees works to create excellence in law enforcement by listening to the diverse voices of elected officials, members of state and local government, and private citizens,” said Governor Mills. “By signing this legislation, we will also ensure the voices of Maine tribes are heard in the training and certification of our law enforcement officers and in advancing our shared goal of building a safer Maine.”
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Golden to Mainers: What Infrastructure Does Your Community Need?

Following last week’s news that President Trump and Congressional leaders had begun negotiations on an infrastructure bill, Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02) announced a plan to gather input on infrastructure priorities directly from Mainers. The Congressman released a survey to hear directly from constituents about the most pressing infrastructure needs in their communities and learn how deteriorating infrastructure affects their lives.…

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Senator Collins Highlights Importance of Aggressively Pursuing New International Markets for Maine Lobster & Seafood

Maine Lobster has an in-state impact of approx. $1.5 billion per year, and aquaculture is on the rise
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If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

Since January, I’ve traveled around our state to hear from Mainers, and I’ve made a point of meeting with loggers and folks in the forest products industry. Here are a few of the biggest challenges I’ve heard about from loggers…
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Governor Mills Signs Bills to Strengthen Oversight, Improve Transparency in Electric Utility Company Billing Practices

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has signed two bills into law to improve transparency in customer billing practices and strengthen public oversight of transmission and distribution utilities.
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Senators Collins and King Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ban Drilling Off Coast of New England

Bill would protect ocean economy that generates $17 billion annually throughout New England
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Golden Backs Bipartisan Legislation to Make Pro-Worker Changes to Tax Bill

Golden cosponsors Tax Fairness for Workers Act, new legislation to allow union members to deduct union dues & unreimbursed work expenses
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What’s in your dinner?

Last month Jared Golden joined Democratic and Republican colleagues to urge the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enforce the FDA’s own rules and regulations on ‘fishless fish’ and other misleadingly labeled foods.
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Governor Mills Vetoes LD 822

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has vetoed LD 822, An Act to Prohibit the Sale of Motor Fuel Containing More Than 10 Percent Ethanol.
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University of Maine, ORNL Launch Partnership to Catalyze 3D Printing with Wood-Based Products

New $20 million additive manufacturing initiative connects local economies with national lab resources
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Governor Mills Convenes First Meeting of Children’s Cabinet

Cabinet outlines immediate action, including the establishment of a new Chief Pediatrician for Maine, to support children’s health and safety
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Governor Mills Signs Executive Order Creating ATV Task Force

Although there are many ATV users who are operating on public and private lands responsibly, the Task Force comes at a time when there are other ATV operators who are disobeying state laws and trespassing on and damaging private lands. Governor Mills’ Executive Order establishes the Task Force to evaluate and recommend policy changes that will protect private lands and help preserve outdoor recreation opportunities, like ATV use, and their economic benefits.
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