LD 1929 Provides Assistance to Areas Severally Infested with Browntail Moths

Jan. 20th work session for bill calling for over 340k for control measures and for two new etymologist positions at the Dept of Ag, Conservation & Forestry.…

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Nov 3rd Work Session For LD 48 – Resolve, To Provide for Participation of the State in the Planning and Negotiations for the Atlantic Loop Energy Project (EMERGENCY)

This resolve provides for the immediate, direct involvement of the State in the planning and negotiations on the Atlantic Loop, a Canadian electric transmission and power supply 4project intended to pass through the State….…

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Nov 3rd Work Session For LD 1634 – An Act To Create the Maine Generation Authority

The purpose of the authority is to finance and own electricity generation projects that generate electricity using renewable fuels that produce zero greenhouse gas emissions and 28that are located in the State or, for those located in federal waters in the Gulf of Maine……

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Gov. Janet Mill’s Official Press Release on New Vaccine Mandate

Any individual employed by a hospital or emergency medical service organization, multi-level health care facility, home health agency, nursing facility, residential care facility, intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities or at a dentist practice must be vaccinated for Covid-19 by Oct. 1st.…

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Public Hearing Scheduled for May 3rd on LD 1265 – An Act To Control the Means of Hunting Coyotes.

Proposed by Sen. Miramant, The Bill Would End Coyote Night Hunting & Forbid Using Dogs For Coyote Hunting.





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Several Changes Proposed In LD 1363 – An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Elections

Work Session Scheduled for April 30th On Bill Proposing 18 Seperate Changes to Maine Election Law…

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No Committee Recommendation Yet on Bill Prohibiting Legislators from Legislating While Intoxicated

Despite Strong Support at its April 23rd Public Hearing, No Work Session or Committee Decision Has Been Made on LD 1394…

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No movement On Act Requiring Majority Vote For Maine To Join Any Multi-state Compact

Rep. Libby’s bill declaring that Maine or any of its state agencies may not join, adopt or implement any multi-state compact unless approved by a majority of the legislature appears stuck in committee.…

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Committee Votes Ought-Not-To-Pass on Bill Looking to Count Total Number of Public Benefit Recipients Who Are Also Employed By “Large” Companies.

This bill requires the Department of Labor with the assistance of the Department of Health and Human Services to gather data regarding the number of persons who are employed by businesses in this State that have 50 or more employees and who receive public benefits


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Committee Expected to Split on Support For Bill Ending the Legal But Rare Practice of Charging Employees for Direct Deposit.

After an April 24th Work Session, A divided report is expected from the Committee on Labor & Housing on Sen.Pouliot‘s Bill to End The Practice of Employers Charging Their Employees for Direct Deposit.…

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An Act To Protect Farm Workers by Allowing Them To Organize for the Purpose of Collective Bargaining

Public Hearing Scheduled April 7th For LD 151 – This bill proposes to allow persons working in agriculture to organize for the purposes of collectively bargaining for wages, hours, other working conditions and benefits without fear of reprisal. The bill would exempt farms under a certain size and with a limited number of employees.…

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An Act To Protect Minor Political Parties That Seek Official Party Status

Public Hearing Scheduled for April 5th For LD 1061 – This bill reduces the number of voters that must be enrolled in a proposed political party in order for that political party to participate in a primary election from 5,000 to 2,500.…

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An Act To Increase High-speed Internet In Rural Maine

Public Hearing Scheduled April 6th for LD 848 – This bill would expand high-speed Internet access in rural communities in the State by creating incentives for companies to expand their services to those communities. It would expand the definition of “rural” to include specific levels not included in the federal definition.…

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An Act To Require Election Transparency and Audits

Public Hearing Schedule April 5th for LD 1155 – This bill requires the Secretary of State to:
1. Produce and publicly disseminate a guide to election procedures;
2. Develop an election complaint process;
3. Report to the Legislature on certain election issues after a general election; and
4. Conduct a pilot post-election audit…

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An Act To Ensure That Assemblies, Protests and Demonstrations in Maine Remain Peaceful

Public Hearing Scheduled For April 5th on LD 1016 – This bill amends the definition of “terroristic intent” in the Maine Criminal Code to include the intent to do any of the following for the purpose of intimidating or coercing a civilian population or to affect the conduct of government……

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An Act To Require Photographic Identification for the Purpose of Voting

Public Hearing Scheduled April 7th for LD 557 –  This bill requires the presentation of proof of identity in the form of a photograph 18 identification document when voting in person.…

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An Act To Base the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax on Actual Sale Price

Public Hearing Scheduled April 2nd For LD 970 – This bill provides that, for a motor vehicle purchased after December 31, 2022, the motor vehicle excise tax must be based on the purchase price for the motor vehicle if purchased from a new vehicle dealer or a used car dealer. For other motor vehicles, the excise tax continues to be based on the maker’s list price.…

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An Act To Clarify the Maine Food Sovereignty Act

Public Hearing Scheduled April 6th for LD 574 – This bill clarifies the Maine Food Sovereignty Act. The bill amends the definition of “direct producer-to-consumer transaction” to mean any exchange of food or food products directly between a producer and a consumer in a manner mutually agreed upon by the producer and consumer of the food or food products rather than face-to-face transactions at the site of production.…

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Resolve, To Convene a Working Group To Develop Plans To Protect Maine’s Agricultural Lands When Siting Solar Arrays

Public Hearing Scheduled April 1st For LD 820 – This resolve directs the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to convene a working group of stakeholders to develop plans and consider ways to discourage the use of land of higher agricultural value and encourage the use of more marginal agricultural lands when siting a solar array.…

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Resolve, To Provide for Participation of the State in the Planning and Negotiations for the Atlantic Loop Energy Project

Work Session Scheduled April 1st for LD 82 – This resolve provides for the immediate, direct involvement of the State in the planning and negotiations on the Atlantic Loop, a Canadian electric transmission and power supply project intended to pass through the State, enabling possible participation in it on an equal footing with the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec.…

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