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ME Secretary of State Shenna Bellows Denies Donald Trump Ballot Access for Maine Republican Primary

Information related to Sec. Bellows and ballot access for Donald Trump in Maine can be found here.  Sources are listed chronologically from the released/published date.  Links, when possible, will be archived from the original.  The original web address is located at the top of the archived page.…

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List of Cannabis Bills for 2nd Regular Session of Maine’s 131st Legislature

There are at least 16 different cannabis themed bills up for debate in the upcoming legislative session.  Of the 14 carry-over bills from the 1st regular session, two are proposing changes to the current recreational cannabis taxation formula and another proposes the creation of a Maine Medical Cannabis Commission.

In addition to the bills carried over from the 1st regular session, an additional two have also been approved by the Legislative Council to be included as well.…

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TMP Podcast #19 – A Look at Some of the Bills Approved for the Upcoming 2nd Session

Investigating illegal Chinese cannabis grows, keeping the Sea Dogs from leaving Maine, a Farm Worker’s Bill of rights and more have all been added to the legislative table for the upcoming second session. This episode discusses a few of those bills and how they could effect Maine policy.  Click Continue Reading for Show Notes, Sources & Comments

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TMP Podcast # 18 – Question 3: The Pine Tree Power Question

This episodes explores the details of the proposed Pine Tree Power referendum question.  Some of what is explored includes how a utility company can be made to sell its assets, the stated purpose and direction of Pine Tree Power, the organization of its governing board and how it compares and contrasts with other electric utilities in Maine. Click Continue Reading for show notes

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TMP Podcast #17 – When Maine Election Law Bumps Against Federal Election Law Part II: The Appeal

A quick follow-up to episode #16, this episode goes over whats know of the appeal filed by Maine’s Secretary of State’s office against the courts decision in favor of the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s complaint against Secretary of State Sheena Bellows.  Click Continue Reading for show notes

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Questions Appearing on the November 7, 2023 Ballot

Maine’s November 7th election will have 8 referendum questions.  One through four are proposed citizen initiatives and five through eight are proposed amendments to Maine’s constitution.

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TMP Episode 16 – When Maine Election Law Bumps Against Federal Election Law

Episode 16 reviews a multi-year dispute between the Public Interest Legal Foundation and Maine’s Secretary of State’s Office over access to Maine’s voter registration data.  This episode reviews some of the timeline leading up to the court’s decision and the consequences of that decision.

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List of 92 Bills Signed Into Law Since June 26th

According to reports from the Governor’s Newsroom, from June 26th to July 19th, Governor Janet Mills signed 92 bills into law.  Combined with the previous 465 bills signed during this session, the total number of bills signed into law by Governor Mills has reached 554.…

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TMP Podcast #15 – The Problem with the National Popular Vote Compact & Why It Won’t Work In Maine

This episode looks at the latest legislative attempt to have Maine join the National Popular Vote Compact, which would have Maine’s presidential electoral votes go toward the national popular vote winner regardless of how Mainer’s voted, and why Maine election law is complicating those efforts.  Go To Continue Reading for Show Notes.


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TMP Podcast #14 – Legislature Considers dropping 100MW Renewable Energy Cap…Again…

This episode takes a look at the 5th attempt within the legislature to remove the 100MW cap protecting Maine renewable energy sector from competing against Hydro-Quebc.  We look at the arguments for and against its removal and potential solutions to this legislative deadlock. Go to Continue Reading for Show Notes.

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Proposed Bill Would Increase Governor’s Salary

LD 165 , A bill sponsored by Rep. Bridgeo (D-Augusta), would see the governor’s current $70k salary increase to $125k. The proposed 44% increase would be in addition to the bill’s creation of a $40k annual expense account for the governor as well.…

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Gov. Mills 2023 State of the State Address – FULL TRANSCRIPT

Gov. Janet Mills gave her State of the State Address to the Maine Legislature this past Tuesday.  Rebranded as a “State of the Budget Address”, this was Janet’s third such address to the state’s legislature since first taking office in 2019.  Below is the full transcript of the address.…

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TMP Podcast #13 – Maine’s Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate: A Chronological Review

Its been a year since Gov. Mills demanded all Maine’s healthcare, nursing home & EMS workers receive a Covid vaccination.  This episode reviews several articles that provides context to the public & legal debate occurring as the mandate was first handed down as well as where we are a year later. Go to Continue Reading for Show Notes.

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How the Democrat Party Became Maine’s Largest Voter Block & When the Libertarian Party Vanished from the State Roles


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TMP Podcast #12 – The Problem with Poliquin

Former US House Rep Bruce Poliquin faces off against Caratunk councilwoman Liz Caruso for the Republican spot to face Democrat incumbent Jared Golden in the November Mid-terms. I go over some of what Ive heard Bruce speak on and why I think its problematic for Maine’s 2nd district. Click Continue Reading for Show Notes

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TMP Podcast #11 – How the Maine Dems Became the Largest Voter Block In Maine

In a previous episode it was discovered that sometime between 2016 and 2020 the total number of registered Democrats overtook voters with no party affiliation as the largest voter block in Maine. This episode uses voter registration data to look at the signs leading up to “the switch” and the circumstances of when it actually happened.

This episode also looks at absentee voting trends by comparing absentee ballot totals over the past 3 presidential elections.   Continue reading below for sources & show notes.

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TMP Podcast #10 Special Elections & Maine’s Ruling Party

This episode looks at Maine’s most recent special election for House District 27 and what it says about Maine’s wider political landscape.  Continue Reading Below for Show Notes

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TMP Podcast #9 – Maine’s Fireworks Policy Problems & A First Look at Bill to Prevent Election Audits

This episode starts off with a look at LD 1307, An act to Restrict the Sale, Purchase and use of Fireworks in the State, as well as some other fireworks legislation to see where Maine’s fireworks policy is failing.  The episode also explores a potential problem with LD 1779, An Act to Protect Election Integrity by Regulating Possession of Ballots and Voting Machine Devices.  Continue Reading Below for Show Notes

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Majority of Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee Support Bill Banning Fireworks in Maine

The Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety voted to move forward with LD 1307, which, as its currently written, would effectively be a full repeal of the 2011-2012 act making consumer fireworks legal in Maine.

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A First Look at LD 1779 – An Act to Protect Election Integrity by Regulating Possession of Ballots and Voting Machine Devices

Sponsored by Representative Pierce of Falmouth and referred to the Committee on Veterans & Legal Affairs, LD 1779 is designed to do 3 separate things. The first two relate to possession of ballots and municipal clerks and has significance that will likely be explored in the future, but its the third thing that caught my attention.

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